They took the ET tube out at 830 this morning. Then they took out his art line. The nurse and I were talking about my baby and she asked Will what his name was. He said "Lincoln" We both looked at each other and started crying. We weren't expecting him to talk so soon. Will is recovering very quickly. There is still a long road ahead of us but he is trucking right along. I am now certain where Lincoln got his strength from. I am so blessed to have two strong men in my life. He is talking more and more, and remembers all of his loved ones. I love him so much and can't wait until he can come home. Thank you for your prayers!
Happy Birthday Baby!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
I couldn't sleep last night. I was overcome with guilt. One of Satan's most powerful tools. Guilt that I was warm in bed why Will was literally freezing. Guilt that I didn't do more to help him. Guilt that we even bought the stupid car. After fighting the horrible thoughts and images running through my head, I turned to the scriptures.
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27
Will is going to pull out of this. He is strong enough to make it through this. And so am I. I know this because I have a loving heavenly father who is always there to comfort me in time of need.
I am filled with peace.
I am grateful for the gospel.
I am grateful for the priesthood.
I am grateful for the power of prayer.
I am grateful for so many willing to do anything to help, and for all of your prayers.
I know this trial, like all others, is all part of Gods plan.
"It's not bad luck, it's by design." -Heather Tolley
Continue to pray for Will, our prayers will be answered.
Will had a good night, they were able to keep his body temperature low. Soon he will be home eating the raspberries I picked for him yesterday.
The day started at 8:30. Lincoln slept in. As he was eating Will and I talked about the plans for the day. Will was going to go out and find the tools he needed in order to fix the car, and then we would put Lincoln down for a nap and I would run some errands why Will fixed the car. As he started going around to the neighbors to look for tools I started to get ready for the day. I keep feeling this twisting in my stomach. Something feels wrong about leaving. I felt prompted to stay. Around 10am I put Lincoln down for his nap. Will got a phone call from a friend needing help moving. We both were thinking that is why I felt like I shouldn't leave earlier. Will got home around 12:30, gave Lincoln and I kisses and headed out to the garage. I nursed Lincoln and started heading for the door to run the errands I wanted to run earlier. Again I felt prompted that I still needed to stay. I put Lincoln in the high chair and ran upstairs to get my phone from my room. I heard someone yell "help" that sounded like a child playing in our back yard. I looked out the back window and didn't see anything. I headed downstairs. Lincoln was staring at the garage door. I opened the door and saw Will pinned underneath the car. My brain thought a million things at once. I panicked. I wanted to try to lift the car off of him myself. I grabbed my phone and called 911 while I frantically searched for the jack. I saw it half way under the car. The truck, there's a jack in the truck. They ask for my address, my brain freezes for a second, then I spit it out. My hands are shaking as I try to put the jack together and fit it under the car. The lady on the phone says not to lift the car. I feel so helpless. Seconds latter I hear sirens. Help is coming. The cop is there first, then our Bishop, then all of the neighbors, then the paramedics. I forgot about Lincoln. I get him from the highchair and go back outside. Lincoln starts to scream. They tell me to go inside, so I sit on the couch and wait.....
and wait...He is breathing.....they are taking him to Utah Valley. My head is spinning and I can't breath. I gather Lincoln's things and leave him with the neighbor and head to the hospital. When we arrived they told us a social worker would meet us in the conference room. I start to cry, conference rooms are bad
news. After a whole lot of talking all I heard was, CT scan, possible brain damage, 2-3 days. The Preliminaries look ok from the CT scan. They will start hypothermic treatment to reduce the chance of swelling in the brain. After a few hours of waiting they tell me he is stable and we go back to his room. My Bishop, the 1st councilor, Dave, and Jake gave him a priesthood blessing.
Will's hands are freezing because they are trying to get his temperature down to 33 degrees. It finally reached 33 at 12:30am. They will keep it down for 24 hours, then they will slowly bring it back up. Then they will be able to tell how much damage was done. Until then, we wait.
and wait...He is breathing.....they are taking him to Utah Valley. My head is spinning and I can't breath. I gather Lincoln's things and leave him with the neighbor and head to the hospital. When we arrived they told us a social worker would meet us in the conference room. I start to cry, conference rooms are bad
news. After a whole lot of talking all I heard was, CT scan, possible brain damage, 2-3 days. The Preliminaries look ok from the CT scan. They will start hypothermic treatment to reduce the chance of swelling in the brain. After a few hours of waiting they tell me he is stable and we go back to his room. My Bishop, the 1st councilor, Dave, and Jake gave him a priesthood blessing.
Will's hands are freezing because they are trying to get his temperature down to 33 degrees. It finally reached 33 at 12:30am. They will keep it down for 24 hours, then they will slowly bring it back up. Then they will be able to tell how much damage was done. Until then, we wait.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I saw this gadget on another blog, I don't know why I thought it was so funny. Maybe because the one I saw was going on three years.
Monday, August 16, 2010
10 months!
Our little boy is 10 months old today! And he just keeps getting cuter.
He loves to crawl, explore and climb on everything.
He has four teeth, which has made nursing more of a challenge.
He has the same amount of hair he had when he was born.
I can't get enough of his kisses!
He is starting to boycott baby food.
He loves to shake his head no and will do it every time I tell him no.
He loves to wrestle with Bosco.
He likes to give raspberries.
He climbs the stairs any chance he gets.

He loves to crawl, explore and climb on everything.
He has four teeth, which has made nursing more of a challenge.
He has the same amount of hair he had when he was born.
I can't get enough of his kisses!
He is starting to boycott baby food.
He loves to shake his head no and will do it every time I tell him no.
He loves to wrestle with Bosco.
He likes to give raspberries.
He climbs the stairs any chance he gets.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Growing up
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