Monday, April 5, 2010

Special Hearts

I spend some part of my days reading other heart babies blogs. More than often I feel guilty reading of their hardships, wondering how we got so lucky to have our baby home and healthy. It is overwhelming to think of all the babies who are in need of prayers. But, I still try to remember their sweet faces as I say my prayers each night.

I felt so much joy and comfort as I read this post on Easter morning. Sweet baby Mason received the gift of a new heart for Easter! There are several links on Miracle Mason's blog to other heart babies that are in need of prayers. (As well as Mason) The first one, Abigail, has an almost identical journey to Lincoln's.

They had the exact same heart condition, TGA, VSD, and coarctation. Abby was born just three days after Lincoln in the AF hospital. She was life flighted from Primary Children's to Lucile Packard Children's hospital the day before Lincoln was.
In fact we were supposed to fly together, but they needed to work out insurance before they gave us a spot on a $27,000 plane ride.

Abigail had her surgery the day before Lincoln was supposed to have his. I think they might be soul mates.

Abigail's mom, Lisa, a mother of 5 was always looking out for me and giving me advice. It was nice to have a couple to talk to, who were going through the same thing we were. Except they had to leave their other 4 children at home. Abigail's blog is primarily written my her dad Jeff. It is interesting to read it from a fathers perspective.

Anyway, if you need someone to pray for, these babies could sure use your prayers.


Soni said...

I read the entry on Masons blog yesterday. Ripped my heart out. What a blessing for them, but the realization that their "angel heart" came from someone else's loss was heart wrenching. Especially hearing them talk about Lucille Packards and having been there with Linc. We're all lucky to have him!

Soni said...

Did you realize Abby was blessed on the same day as Linc? Do you still have any contact with her family? You should get together with them so you can see each others babies now that they're fat and sassy!

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Wow! I'm wiping tears from my eyes. Just finished reading Mason and Abigail's stories. Oh, my, what you young mothers have to go through. Such faith and courage. Such miracles. So glad Lincoln is one of the miracles.