He pushes himself very hard in therapy and has an amazing attitude about everything. He would be in a completely different mind set if he didn't still have his sense of humor. He keeps me laughing, that's for sure.
Every day he will see a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech therapist, and a neuro therapist. They will work with him on everything from tying his shoes to regaining his memory. It will still be a long road to full recovery, but I am grateful I still have him to walk that road with me. Thank you so much for all of your continuous thoughts and prayers. I tend to keep my friends and family busy praying for us.
A special thank you to my sister Soni and my niece Andrea. They have truly been lifesavers! She not only saved me when Lincoln was in the hospital but made the 13 hour drive again to be here. I know that it has put Will at ease knowing she was here to take care of me. There are several people who have been lifesavers, I will have to make a list later. I just wanted to let them know how much I love them and appreciate all they do.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the updates. I wring my hands until I get a new update.
Love the pix of Will and Lincoln. Only trouble is that it has me crying again. (happy tears)
I stand all amazed at the strength you and Will have. I stand all amazed at the support and love and prayers that have been offered from close to home and across the country.
Love and hugs always.
Truly amazing how much can happen in a week. We love you and will continue to pray for Will's full recovery. The both of you truly amaze us. And Lincoln too. If there was anything close to real superheros in the this life, the three of you would be it.
Also, I can't point to anything specific, but I can see the resemblance between Will and Lincoln in that picture. I bet he'll be pleased to hear that.
Cara I just wanted to tell you how much I look up to you and how strong of a person you truly are. You have been thrown some really big obstacles as of late and I know you will be blessed tenfold. Thanks for being such a good example to me, and know that you guys are in my prayers.
Thanks for all the updates. That is the sweetest picture I have ever seen. So grateful he is on his way to a successful recovery. Your family will be stronger because of all this.
Nate and I have been praying for you and Will. We wish we weren't so far away so we could help more. We hope Will's recovery will continue to be speedy!
Your little family has been on our minds and in our prayers all week. Glad to hear all the good news! Your strength is amazing...what a good example you are.
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