Going private....Any thoughts?
I always figured I would want to make my blog private when we had kids, now two little beans later who knows who all reads this. Not that I think that many people do, but what if some weirdo googles most adorable kids in the world and finds our blog. A bit paranoid? Yes.
Anyway, would anyone who reads this now still read it if it were private?
Are my kids as cute as I think they are?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Adjusting to two
Do these sweet little things test my patience? Na...there too cute right?
Lincoln has actually been adjusting very well to having a new baby brother. But he is....fun....to keep up with. He is so full of energy and curiosity. And so, it's true I have been losing my patience, a lot.
And as I am asking him to the nth time to stop jumping from the window seal on to the couch, I have to remind myself that he is not TRYING to drive me to my breaking point, he is just a toddler whose needs are not being met. Mental, emotional, physical? If he is jumping of the walls, literally, then I need to take him outside to exercise a little bit.
So as I finish nursing Spencer and walk into the kitchen to see this.......
"Fat cake mamma, Fat cake!"
(That's what he calls cake)
What needs of Lincoln were not met you ask?
I forgot to give him a snack.
Lincoln has actually been adjusting very well to having a new baby brother. But he is....fun....to keep up with. He is so full of energy and curiosity. And so, it's true I have been losing my patience, a lot.
And as I am asking him to the nth time to stop jumping from the window seal on to the couch, I have to remind myself that he is not TRYING to drive me to my breaking point, he is just a toddler whose needs are not being met. Mental, emotional, physical? If he is jumping of the walls, literally, then I need to take him outside to exercise a little bit.
So as I finish nursing Spencer and walk into the kitchen to see this.......
"Fat cake mamma, Fat cake!"
(That's what he calls cake)
What needs of Lincoln were not met you ask?
I forgot to give him a snack.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Bumpy head
We noticed the day after Spencer was born that he had a lump on the left side of his head. After freaking out a little bit and calling the pediatrician we were assured that it was fine and it would go away on its own. My midwife came over the next day to check on us and told us he had a cephalohematoma. Which is a fancy way of saying he has a blood clot under his scalp. They said it should go away in a couple months. So yesterday Will was looking at Spenc and said "Babe, What if they were wrong, what if it's not a hematoma? What if it's Spencer's twin?
Since we will be spending some time with the bump, we will refer to it as his twin until it goes away. Any name suggestion? We had a hard enough time coming up with a name for Spenc.

Monday, September 19, 2011
I don't mean to brag...
......but could my boys be any cuter?!?!
Spencer let me know that he did not appreciate my photo rampage. Hopefully he will get used to it...I can't control myself.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
One year older and wiser to....
Saturday we celebrated my 24th birthday! whewww! That was a jam packed couple a weeks! Now to start planning Lincoln's party.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
One week!
The first week of Spencer's life has been drastically different from the first week of Lincoln's life. When Lincoln was one week old I was sending him off with Will to California on a life flight. The next day I was in a plane my self sobbing uncontrollably because I missed my boys.
But today, one week after Spencer's birth, he is snuggling on my chest as I type this post. Every now and then he makes a little grunt and it makes me smile. Every time it reminds me of how lucky I am.
The first week of Lincoln's life I was driving an hour up to SLC every day, walking up to the 2nd floor, with my inflatable donut tucked under my arm, to see my sweet baby. Looking past the wires, iv's and incubator to see his sweet face.
This last week I have laid in bed with Spencer curled up next to me. Only needing to turn my head to see his face. I wake up to his cries and nurse him instead of my alarm on my phone telling me it's time to pump.
This last week has been an amazingly different experience, of which I am eternally grateful for.
My recovery has been 100x easier, thanks to Will forcing me to stay in bed, and my mom and Justine for watching Lincoln. I am loving the fact that I also don't have a cold right now like I did the week after I had Lincoln. I am not missing coughing and sneezing every 5 min.
Lincoln is adjusting great, and he is loving being a big brother. Every morning he comes and gives me and Spencer kisses. Every time he leaves a room Spencer is in he has to come and give him a hug and kiss first.
Spencer is the sweetest thing ever!
We took him in for a check up the day after he was born and the doctor said he looked great.
He is a great nurser (super fast), and usually only wakes up 3 times at night.
We love him so much!
I didn't know how it was possible to love another baby as much as I love Lincoln, but I guess what they say is true, A parent's loce is whole no matter how many times it is divided. ~Robert Brault
He loves to hold his little brother.
I snuck my camera into my room and did a little photo shoot. I haven't edited them yet but they are still pretty darn cute!
His eyes look really brown in this picture. I'm not sure if Lincoln's were this dark or not...we didn't really see them all this much.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Happy Anniversary???
Thankfully we celebrated our anniversary the Saturday before I had Spencer. (since he decided he wanted to share our anniversary) Will took me to La Caille. It was amazing!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Spencer's Birth
I woke up Wednesday morning, disappointing once again that I hadn't started labor in the middle of the night. I got Lincoln out of his crib and started making him breakfast. At 8am I started having contractions. They were 5 min apart but I tried not to get too excited. Around 10am Will came into the living room and noticed I was having one. He made a joke about having the baby today and I said "I better be, they have been every 5 min for the last 2 hours." We were both excited but knew we were still a ways away from actually having the baby. I was in labor with Lincoln for 24 hours.
So we decided to go to Costco to kill some time. I had been craving their delicious chocolate donuts for weeks and had resisted, but I figured I deserved them. My contractions stayed every five minutes through the whole trip. I got some interesting looks when I had to stop walking in the middle if the isle and had to squat down on the ground. Going to Costco with your pregnant/in labor wife is a good way to spend too much money. Everything I picked up of the shelf and said "oooo that looks good." Will threw into the cart. We came home, put Lincon down for a nap and put on a movie that Will insisted was hilarious. Half way through I decided I would rather be relaxing in the tub. I decided I better have my mom come over to watch Lincoln since I had been having contractions that lasted a min. every 5 min. for the last 6 hours. I relaxed in the tub for a bit and then we headed over to the birthing center around 4pm. To my dismay I was only dilated to a 2. I wanted to cry, but my midwife was very reassuring and said I just had a little more work to do. Will and I walked around the mall for a while and went to the movies. We decided we better go to the dollar theater in case we had to leave.
We got home around 8pm. My little sister came over to spend the night and my mom went home. I got in the tub again and around 930pm I started to feel Spencer moving down. We called our midwife and told her what I was feeling. We met her at the center at 10:30. They checked me again and I was a 6 1/2. Wahoo progress. We hung out in the room for a bit and then got in the tub again at 11pm. We debated having them break my water so we could get Spencer here before our anniversary. We decided not to and just to let him decide when he was born. After pushing for about 20 min my sweet baby Spencer entered the world at 12:14am on September 8th.
I can not explain the pure exhilaration you feel from holding your baby for the first time. Such an amazing experience! The best part, we took our baby home with us! He is perfection and I am in love with him!
I hear him cry in the night and it makes me smile. It's so nice to have him home with us. He is the sweetest thing ever!
So we decided to go to Costco to kill some time. I had been craving their delicious chocolate donuts for weeks and had resisted, but I figured I deserved them. My contractions stayed every five minutes through the whole trip. I got some interesting looks when I had to stop walking in the middle if the isle and had to squat down on the ground. Going to Costco with your pregnant/in labor wife is a good way to spend too much money. Everything I picked up of the shelf and said "oooo that looks good." Will threw into the cart. We came home, put Lincon down for a nap and put on a movie that Will insisted was hilarious. Half way through I decided I would rather be relaxing in the tub. I decided I better have my mom come over to watch Lincoln since I had been having contractions that lasted a min. every 5 min. for the last 6 hours. I relaxed in the tub for a bit and then we headed over to the birthing center around 4pm. To my dismay I was only dilated to a 2. I wanted to cry, but my midwife was very reassuring and said I just had a little more work to do. Will and I walked around the mall for a while and went to the movies. We decided we better go to the dollar theater in case we had to leave.
We got home around 8pm. My little sister came over to spend the night and my mom went home. I got in the tub again and around 930pm I started to feel Spencer moving down. We called our midwife and told her what I was feeling. We met her at the center at 10:30. They checked me again and I was a 6 1/2. Wahoo progress. We hung out in the room for a bit and then got in the tub again at 11pm. We debated having them break my water so we could get Spencer here before our anniversary. We decided not to and just to let him decide when he was born. After pushing for about 20 min my sweet baby Spencer entered the world at 12:14am on September 8th.
I can not explain the pure exhilaration you feel from holding your baby for the first time. Such an amazing experience! The best part, we took our baby home with us! He is perfection and I am in love with him!
I hear him cry in the night and it makes me smile. It's so nice to have him home with us. He is the sweetest thing ever!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Spencer Russell Dahlquist
Born September 8th 20011 at 12:14 AM
8 pounds, 4 ounces
21 inches long
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Born September 8th 20011 at 12:14 AM
8 pounds, 4 ounces
21 inches long
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor Day weekend!
So I didn't go into labor like I had hoped for over the weekend, but we made good use of our time.
We went to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. It's the first time we have gone, Lincoln loved it!We went to Hee Haw farms. Friday you get in for free and the rides are just $1.
Saturday we went to the Farmers Market in Provo. My mom has a stand there so we like to take advantage of the free face painting.
Lincoln has developed a new smile, and a love for green smoothies.
Here's the cheese again.
Monday we hiked up to Battle Creek Falls with our friends Dave and Kelli. Lincoln loves his bff's Tyson and Zach.
Happy Labor day!
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