Monday, September 26, 2011

Thinking about.....

Going private....Any thoughts?
I always figured I would want to make my blog private when we had kids, now two little beans later who knows who all reads this. Not that I think that many people do, but what if some weirdo googles most adorable kids in the world and finds our blog. A bit paranoid? Yes.
Anyway, would anyone who reads this now still read it if it were private?
Are my kids as cute as I think they are?


Stacy said...

I would still read it! and I don't think it's paranoid to wonder who's looking at pictures of your kids (and yes, they are as cute as you think they are). Have you ever looked at the "Stats" page on Dashboard? It will show you who all is looking at your blog from different countries, what search terms they use to find it, etc. After I saw how many hits my blog was getting from like... Malaysia and all sorts of weird places, I decided it was best to go private to protect our little cutie. We definitely don't get as many people reading it now, but I mostly blog for our own record keeping anyway :)

Kristin said...

Yes, I would still read it. I've considered going private, but I think that the few people who do read mine wouldn't anymore. But I guess it's more for me anyway.. I did notice when blogger changed that there was someone on my followers list that I have no idea who it is and apparently tons of people look at it all over the world and it freaked me out a little. I still debate it. Let me know if you do.

MJ said...

I'm a friend of Dylan, and have been following you since last year.

It's been my experience that people who go private tend to quit blogging.

I can totally see your reasons for wanting to go private, tho.

Anonymous said...

I would try to still read if you set it to private. Honestly, I forget to check private blogs regularly. This is because the reader feed doesn't update in blog readers when a blog is set to private and that is how I keep up with blogs I follow.

I don't think it's paranoid to be concerned about consequences of publicly posting about your family. There are ways to post publicly and to just be more prudent with personal details.

Soni Levenseller said...

Going private seems to usually kill a blog- but I guess it depends why you're writing it. I'd just not put anything you wouldn't want people to see. Yes, the kids are as cute as you think!

Anonymous said...

I went on private after I had Damon and some random person I didn't know made a comment. But I love to see what you and your cuties are up to.