Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bumpy head

We noticed the day after Spencer was born that he had a lump on the left side of his head. After freaking out a little bit and calling the pediatrician we were assured that it was fine and it would go away on its own. My midwife came over the next day to check on us and told us he had a cephalohematoma. Which is a fancy way of saying he has a blood clot under his scalp. They said it should go away in a couple months. So yesterday Will was looking at Spenc and said "Babe, What if they were wrong, what if it's not a hematoma? What if it's Spencer's twin?

Since we will be spending some time with the bump, we will refer to it as his twin until it goes away. Any name suggestion? We had a hard enough time coming up with a name for Spenc. 


Stacy said...

Clara had one of those, too (not quite as big as Spencer's, though). Hers didn't show up until she was 2 weeks old, which was weird. But it actually gets hard and calcifies. thankfully the rest of the head gets bigger around it ;)

Soni Levenseller said...

Since you refused to name the baby T-Bag, maybe you would consider it for the twin? ;)

Sharlene, Mom, Grammy said...

Totally going off subject: what I noticed more than the hematoma was how much Spencer looks like Lincoln in that picture. Wow!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? No ideas on a name. :)

Anonymous said...

My son is 3 months , he was born with a bump just like this baby.i was tolled that it will disappear when he turn 2months. A few weeks back i went to the children's hospital and it turns up that he will be needing a helmet. Hopefully for all these babys the situation is not the same.i would get a second opinion just to make sure.

Unknown said...

Can you tell me if it went away? My daughter still has it and she is 10 months, everytime i tell the doctor she said i dont need to worry about it :(

Unknown said...

Can you tell me if it went away? My daughter still has it and she is 10 months, everytime i tell the doctor she said i dont need to worry about it :(

KQ said...

It might be that your baby's head is fusing together too soon on one side. I absolutely would ask a doctor about craniosynostosis.

karthik said...

Can you tell when it's disappear ? My son two month old we noticed this type of bump during birth but the bump Is not soft it's hard like bone .

Unknown said...

Hi. My new born son has the same. Can you tell me please how is it going now. Is it better or the same. Or have you fined any solution?