I sat at Lincolns bed full of gratitude. He laid there with his eyes wide open staring right at me. I was in the most blissful, peaceful state. From another patients room alarms started sounding. Doctors started to flock in that direction, some were running. Will was coming down the hall when this was all happening and saw the parents outside the room crying. They wheeled the heart/lung bypass machine by our room. I looked at Lincoln in his perfect state, then at his monitor, his heart rate, blood pressure, sats, all perfect. An immediate feeling of guilt swept over me, and tears swelled in my eyes. How did we get so lucky? I will forever be in debt to our Heavenly Father for the blessings we have received.
A little later we recieved more blessings. One of the surgeons came in and said he was going to remove all 3 tubes from his chest and the drainage line from his stomach. These were the last of the items that needed to be removed in order to hold him. I have been aching to hold him for the last 2 weeks. Today was a great day. Thank you for all of your prayers, they are heard and they and answered everyday.
awwwww cara im SOOO SOOO glad these have taken an up turn and keep following that way! I have been praying for you and your cute cute family! and i will help praying!
WOW.. He has made it SO far in just a few short weeks! I am so excited! He will heal even faster now that you and Will are able to to hold him, being close to his parents will help him so much!
Congratulations on your healthy, lucky baby!
Still Praying!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I can't wait until you get to hold him again. What a blessing. He is soooo cute. I look forward to more pictures with less tubes :) Our prayers will keep coming!
What a beautiful little boy! And what a beautiful mom too! I love all those pictures--he really is adorable. We are so, so happy for you guys! I can't believe how far he's come in this past week since the surgery. Our prayers will keep coming your way that things continue to go well. So glad you get to hold him again--he belongs in your arms. It reminds me not to take for granted all the little things about being a mom. Thank you so much for all of your posts. I look forward to reading them every day. You are all such examples to us!
Oh, my goodness. Lincoln looks like he's smiling in that one picture!! He just looks so healthy! It makes me smile to see the pictures. Cara, you are beautiful in the picture holding Lincoln. Perhaps the glow of being able to hold Lincoln? Yea, yea, yea!! Everything is looking up. So exciting!!!
I've got to quit checking this when I get to work- it makes me cry. So glad he got the ventilator out- he looks like a baby again! YEA!!!
yeah!!!!! i can't stop smiling. i am so happy for you guys.
yayyyyyyyy!!!!!! He is so cute. He has your cheeks!!!!! Hahaha. I'm so so so so so so happy for you!!!! Hope you are feeling better too.
I'm so glad he is doing better! He is such a cutie. He looks like he is smiling in one of the pictures you just put up. I hope you are feeling better also. Lots of love!!!
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